Please ensure you order your repeat prescription well before your medication runs out. You will need to give us two full working days notice. Prescriptions received before 5pm will be ready after 1pm two working days later. Prescriptions received on a Friday before 5pm will be ready for collection the following Tuesday after 1pm. Prescriptions ordered after 5pm on a Friday or over the weekend will be ready for collection after 1pm the following Wednesday.
How you can order your repeat prescription
Order your prescription online
Download the new NHS App to your phone NHS App and your NHS account – NHS ( It allows you to self-ID and you can order your prescriptions easily via the App.
If you are already registered for the practice on-line service simply click the Repeat prescriptions link in the sidebar. You can view a list of the medication you have been prescribed. Select the prescription you need and click on the “Repeat Medication” button. If you are not registered for this service but think you may be interested please contact the Practice and you will be issued with a password after you have provided ID.
Some local pharmacies offer an ordering and delivery service for patients but you need to check with your local pharmacy on their rules.
Most pharmacies provide services for minor conditions to save you making an appointment with your GP. Please use the link to find the pharmacies in your area and what services they provide.
Find a pharmacy – NHS (
Repeat Prescription Slip
Place your slip in the box at reception. If you do not have a prescription slip then any piece of paper will do, but make sure you add your name and date of birth to the request so we know who you are. Your prescription will be ready in the same timescale as mentioned above.
Post in your repeat prescription slip or a letter. However please allow additional time when placing your order to allow for any postal delays.
Requests by telephone are only accepted for housebound patients, terminally ill patients and patients aged 75 years and over. If you are in one of these categories, please telephone the Practice on the usual number 01642 613331 between the hours of 10.30 -12 and 2pm – 5 pm and press the correct option for the Prescription Team.
Urgent requests
In exceptional circumstances we will issue medication as an urgent request. Please note this applies to repeat medication only.
Repeat prescriptions are only available to patients who are stabilised on regular medication. Your Doctor may ask you to attend the surgery for review of your condition before any further medications are prescribed. You will usually have received a reminder letter or message on earlier prescriptions where this is the case. Your GP reserves the right to stop repeat medication if you do not attend for requested review appointments. This is for your safety.
Medications not suitable for repeat prescribing
The following medications are not usually given by repeat prescription:
Antibiotics, some Contraceptive Pills, Hormone Replacement Therapy and others where it would be unsafe to continue with the medication without you being seen.
Repeat Dispensing
If you are on regular repeat medicines and they are unlikely to change – you may be interested in the repeat dispensing service. This service allows for your GP to send your prescription to the pharmacy for up to 12 months and you will not need to ring the practice to order. It is not suitable for everybody but if you think you might be eligible and would like more information please contact the practice.
Using the electronic ordering processes
If you want to use any of the electronic methods of ordering your repeat prescriptions you will need to name a pharmacy that you want us to send the electronic request to. This is a really easy process: you can either call into the pharmacy and ask them to manage your prescriptions for you, they will let the practice know. Or you can ask at the practice, even during a consultation with your doctor or a nurse, and they can do it there and then.
Medication queries
If you have any query on your medication please don’t hesitate to contact the surgery. You can use the surgery number 01642 613331.